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Hockinson Headlines

Hockinson is where we come together as a community. When the world pushes us down, we lift each other up. We cheer on our kids, our friends, our teams, our neighbors, our teachers, our clubs, and each other.


Now, more than ever, we need to hear about what you're cheering about!


Who deserves a shout out? Big or small, we want to hear them all. We are Hockinson!

Community Question:

Ask your Hockinson student what they are most grateful for in their school. Submit your answers here and we'll post them to the site!

(Be sure to add their first name and grade.)


Hockinson Soccer Team

Rising Through the Ranks

Congratulations to the 2021 HHS Girls Soccer Team, 2A State Soccer Finalists!


In Clark County Today: "Win or lose, the Hawks will be united."


Hawk team member, Molly Romanchock was quoted: "This program, I love it so much,” Romanchock said. “With all the community and all the friends we’ve made, and the team is so happy all of the time. Our positivity is just unmatched." 


It's all in the attitude: creating a legacy of leadership on the field. A look at how far the Hawks have come from 2003 to today.


Molly Romanchock, center, is surrounded by her Hockinson teammates. Photo by Paul Valencia in Clark County Today.


Let’s Work Together

Get in touch so we can start working together.

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